qLog Features

We are ready to help you with challenges in the field of quality improvement and testing in your business. We are constantly working on improving our product and developing new features. Let's see what our developers are currently working on

Main Features

Simplify Test Scenario and Case Creation with qLog

Test scenarios management

With qLog, you can easily create test scenarios. Without lengthy training, you can easily define prerequisites, individual test steps, and add important files for test execution. This saves time on training new testers and keeps all notes for manual testing in one place.

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Easy Creation and Management of Test Cases.

Test cases management

Create test cases according to your needs. Define input conditions, individual steps, and expected outcomes to match your requirements. Additionally, you can add files that are important for conducting tests, ensuring a comprehensive testing environment.

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Rapid Response to Changes in Test Results trends

Analyze trends in test results

Building a successful product begins with monitoring trends in test results. Analyze the percentage of tests that have passed, failed, or been skipped to effectively respond to changes and ensure the best quality and performance of your product. Identifying trends allows you to adapt your testing strategy and quickly respond to new demands and challenges.

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Effective team integration and continuity

Team addition or replacement

By seamlessly integrating new team members, they can quickly familiarize themselves with the product, reducing the time needed for onboarding and accelerating their ability to effectively utilize the product. Moreover, they can easily build upon the work already completed, ensuring continuity and efficiency within the team.


Upcoming Features

We are continuously working on improving qLog and fixing bugs. In the upcoming releases, you can look forward to:

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Integrations with third-party

We are working on the possibility of integrating with project management and bug tracking tools such as Jira or Mantis BT.

How qLog will be better:
  • Improved collaboration between testers and developers
  • Better integration between the development process and testing
  • Easier bug reporting
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Advanced team management

We are preparing the ability to assign team members different roles with varying levels of permissions on the project.

How qLog will be better:
  • Junior tester - only executes testing scenarios (suitable for internships and beginners)
  • Reviewers - monitoring and approving changes to test cases and scenarios
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NoCode platform for automatization

We are working on a no-code platform for easy test automation.

How qLog will be better:
  • Easy career progression from manual tester to the next level
  • Cloud for running automated tests
  • Only basic knowledge of algorithmization required
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Acceptation test improvements

Create acceptance tests in qLog. Prepare testing scenarios and cases, and share them with your clients along with a report of the results.

How qLog will be better:
  • More transparent development process
  • Better and higher-quality delivery of software product to the client
More upcoming functionalities can be found in the roadmap.
Visit Roadmap